Importance of Networking – GD/WAT Topic


Networking is not just the exchange of knowledge, information with others — and it’s not at all about begging for favours. Networking is about establishing and nurturing long-term, mutually beneficial relationships with the people you meet, whether you’re waiting to order your morning tea, participating in a walkathon, or attending a conference.

importance of networking gd topic


You don’t have to join any professional association and attend every networking event that comes your way in order to be a successful networker. In fact, if you take your eyes off your smartphone when you’re out in public, you’ll see that networking opportunities are all around you every day.

QUOTES on Importance of Networking

“Love, Friendship, Networking these are critical connections and foundation of a healthy, happy life”. Whitney Wolf Herd


“Effective networking isn’t a result of luck – it requires hard work and persistence”. Lewis Howes


“One of the most powerful networking practices is to provide immediate value to a new connection. This means the moment you identify a way to help someone, take action”. Lewis Howes


“It’s all about people. It’s about networking and being nice to people and not burning any bridges. Your book is going to impress, but in the end, it is people that are going to hire you”. Mike Davidson


STATISTICS: What Numbers have to Say?

  • Before the mid20th century, what we call networking today was framed in the language of family and friendship. These personal relationships provided a range of opportunities to preferred subsets of people, such as access to job opportunities, info, credit, and partnerships.


  • In a survey conducted it was found that 25% of professional do not network, that almost 70% of professionals value face-to-face networking over online, or that 41% of professional wished they have more time to network.


  • One Survey Reveals 85% of All Jobs are Filled Via Networking.


  • 68% of Entry-level employees prefer face to face networking than online.

DESCRIPTION – Let’s take a Deep Dive

Types of Networking

A. Importance of Networking in a Job Search

It is definitely true that Networking plays an important role during a Job Search. The correct employee referral can increase your chances more than 10 times of landing that job.

So, take time to build meaningful relationships in your Professional circle so when the time comes to search for a job you can use those valuable connections for referrals or job leads.


B. Importance of Networking in the workplace

You may think that networking will be of help only when you have to find a new job but that’s not true. While there is much importance of networking with employees of the same department of your own company or even different departments of your company.

Never discount the importance of networking at your workplace. Whether you are new in the company and want to get established or you are already established and are sighting on promotion, networking with your colleagues can benefit you for your career progression.


C. Importance of Networking for Career Development

Career Development is influenced by n number of things that include the jobs you hold, the experiences you gain in and out of the office, the success you achieve at each stage of your career, the formal and informal education and training you receive, and the feedback you’re provided with along the way.

Therefore the importance of networking for career progression is that As you network with people at your company, in your department, and even outside your area of interests, you will unlock many opportunities to connect with different kinds of mentors and advisors, increase your visibility with senior management, additionally develop your areas of perfection, and improve your interpersonal skills.

Advantages of Networking
  • Networking Can help you grow your business or even start your own business.
  • Networking can help you climb up your career ladder.
  • Networking is a long-term investment which gives you good returns if maintained your network well.
  • Networking leads to life-long Friendships

Fortunately, there are no Disadvantages of Networking.


Networking, offline or online will always help an individual to grow in Corporate and Personal World. The power of Networking can give individual endless opportunities to start with his/her venture, to get a job, to understand how things work on ground level etc.


The one who realizes the potential of a good Network has a better Vision so go for it.

Author – Gauri Dalvi

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