VARC Notes

Homophones Examples with Sentences

Pairs of Confusing Words – Homophones

I hope you are doing well. Many times we come across words with similar pronunciation and get confused. A simple example to elaborate this would be ‘Board’ & ‘Bored’. That’s where the concept of Homophones emerges.

Homophones are two or more words having the same pronunciation but different spellings and meanings.

Homophones Examples with Sentences

Homophones Examples with Sentences

Allowed – [permitted] Pets are not allowed in this motel.
Aloud – [out loud with noise.] The teacher asked me to read the story aloud.


Brake – [a device for slowing down a vehicle] the driver applied the brake.
Break – [to smash or divide into parts] Please don’t break my new dishes.


Capital – [the city where the government is located.] Paris is the capital of France. Always begin your name with a capital letter.
Capitol – [the building in Washington, D.C., in which Congress meets] the reporters waited at the Capitol to see the senator.


Fair – [just, proper under the rules, or ample] the judge made a fair decision.
Fare – [money paid to ride in a bus, taxi or other vehicles] He paid his fare when he got on the bus.


Hear- [to perceive sounds] I love to hear clarinet music.
Here – [in this place] put the groceries here on the table.


Hole – [an opening or hollow place] the squirrel ran through the hole in the fence.
Whole-[the entire amount] He ate the whole pizza by himself.


Mail- [items sent in the postal system] I received six letters today in the mail.

Male – [a boy or man] There were ten male passengers on the train.


Meat- [edible flesh from an animal] we eat meat nearly every night for dinner.
Meet – [get together] let’s meet for coffee tomorrow morning.


Principal- [most important, or the leader of a school] the principal wrote a new homework policy.
Principle- [basic truth or law] I do not agree with the principles of that religion


Steal- [to take something without permission] some children steal money from their mother’s purses.
Steel – [a strong metal made of iron and carbon] Many buildings are constructed with steel frames.


Tail – [the rear part of an animal’s body] my dog wags its tail when he’s happy.
Tale – [a story] One popular fairy tale is about a giant, a beanstalk and a boy named Jack.


To – [toward ] We drove to the theatre.
Too- [also] Jimmy likes pizza, too.
Two – [ a symbol for 1 plus 1] Susan spun a two in the board game.


Waist – [the middle of the body] The belt was too large for her small waist.
Waste – [discarded material] The factory’s waste products were dumped in the landfill


Weak – [not strong] The young boy was too weak to lift the box of books.

Week – [a seven-day period] The worker went on vacation for one week.


Who’s- [who is or who has] Who’s been drinking my soda?
Whose-[ possessive form of who ] Does anyone know whose coat is this one?


Your- [possessive form of you] It’s your turn to go first.
You’re- [you are] You’re the person I want to hire.


Scene- [the place where an event occurs] A criminal sometimes returns to the scene of the crime.
Seen-[past participle of see] I’ve never seen so many flowers


Road – [driving surface.] She had difficulty keeping her car on the slippery road.
Road- [past tense of ride] We rode the bus for thirty minutes to get across town.


Hole – [an opening or hollow place] The squirrel ran through the hole in the fence.
Whole- [the entire amount] He ate the whole pizza by himself.


Loan – [money lending or to lend something] Can you please loan me enough money for lunch?
Lone – [single, only] The truck driver was the lone customer at the all-night dinner


Here are 100 more examples of homophones with sentences:

1. Aisle – [a passage between rows of seats] We sat in the aisle seat of the airplane.
Isle – [a small island] We spent our vacation on a beautiful isle in the Mediterranean.

2. Bald – [having no hair] He’s been bald since he was twenty.
Bawled – [cried loudly] The child bawled after falling off the swing.

3. Bare – [without covering] She walked on the beach with bare feet.
Bear – [a large mammal] We saw a bear in the forest during our hike.

4. Blow – [to expel air] He will blow out the candles on his birthday cake.
Blow – [a hit or strike] The boxer delivered a powerful blow.

5. Board – [a flat piece of material] He nailed the board to the wall.
Bored – [feeling weary and impatient] She was bored during the long meeting.

6. Born – [to come into the world] She was born in 1990.
Borne – [carried or transported] The message was borne by a courier.

7. Cell – [a small room] He was locked in a cell.
Sell – [to exchange for money] She will sell her old books at the market.

8. Chili – [a spicy pepper or dish] The chili was too hot for my taste.
Chilly – [cold] It was chilly outside this morning.

9. Complement – [something that completes or goes well with] The wine was a perfect complement to the meal.
Compliment – [a polite expression of praise] She received a compliment on her dress.

10. Die – [to cease living] The plant will die if you don’t water it.
Dye – [a substance used to color] She decided to dye her hair red.

11. Elicit – [to draw out] The comedian managed to elicit laughter from the audience.
Illicit – [illegal or forbidden] They were involved in illicit activities.

12. Fairy – [a mythical being] The story featured a kind fairy.
Ferry – [a boat that carries people] We took the ferry across the river.

13. Flour – [a baking ingredient] Add two cups of flour to the recipe.
Flower – [a plant bloom] She received a bouquet of flowers for her birthday.

14. For – [intended to] This gift is for you.
Four – [the number 4] I have four apples in my basket.

15. Grate – [to shred or grind food] Grate some cheese for the pasta.
Great – [excellent or large] She had a great time at the party.

16. Heel – [the back part of a foot] He injured his heel while jogging.
Heal – [to recover] The cut will take time to heal.

17. Hour – [sixty minutes] The meeting lasted for an hour.
Our – [belonging to us] Our house is on the corner.

18. Knot – [a tied loop] She tied a knot in the rope.
Not – [a negation] I am not going to the concert tonight.

19. Leak – [an unintended hole] There was a leak in the water pipe.
Leek – [a vegetable] She added leek to the soup.

20. Maid – [a female domestic worker] The maid cleaned the room.
Made – [past tense of make] She made a delicious cake.

21. Manner – [way of doing something] He spoke in a polite manner.
Manor – [a large house] The old manor was beautifully restored.

22. Meet – [to come together] Let’s meet for lunch.
Meat – [animal flesh] He bought meat for the barbecue.

23. Piece – [a part of something] She cut a piece of cake.
Peace – [tranquility] The garden is a place of peace.

24. Pole – [a long cylindrical object] The flagpole stood tall in the yard.
Poll – [a survey] They conducted a poll about the new policy.

25. Principal – [the leader of a school] The principal gave a speech.
Principle – [a fundamental truth] She stood by her principles.

26. Quiet – [making no noise] The library was very quiet.
Quite – [to a significant degree] The movie was quite interesting.

27. Rain – [water falling from the sky] It’s going to rain this afternoon.
Reign – [to rule as a monarch] The queen’s reign lasted for decades.

28. Right – [correct or direction] You made the right choice.
Write – [to compose text] Please write your name on the form.

29. Sail – [a fabric for wind propulsion] We set the sail to catch the wind.
Sale – [a discount event] The store is having a big sale.

30. Sight – [the ability to see] Her sight has improved with glasses.
Site – [a location] The construction site is busy.

31. So – [a degree or result] It was so cold outside.
Sew – [to stitch] She learned to sew at a young age.

32. Stair – [a step in a staircase] I tripped on the stair.
Stare – [to look intently] He gave me a long stare.

33. Stationary – [not moving] The car remained stationary at the light.
Stationery – [writing materials] She bought new stationery for her desk.

34. Steer – [to guide a vehicle] He learned how to steer the boat.
Sphere – [a round object] The planet is a sphere.

35. Tack – [a small nail] Use a tack to hang the picture.
Tact – [sensitivity] She handled the situation with tact.

36. Tale – [a story] He told a tale about dragons.
Tail – [the rear part of an animal] The dog wagged its tail.

37. They’re – [they are] They’re going to the concert.
Their – [belonging to them] Their car is parked outside.
There – [in that place] We will meet there at noon.

38. Toe – [a part of the foot] He stubbed his toe on the chair.
Tow – [to pull a vehicle] We had to tow the car to the repair shop.

39. Vain – [excessively proud] She was too vain to accept criticism.
Vein – [a blood vessel] The doctor checked the vein in his arm.

40. Wail – [to cry loudly] The baby began to wail in the night.
Whale – [a large marine mammal] We saw a whale during our trip.

41. Way – [a method or direction] What way are we supposed to go?
Weigh – [to measure weight] Weigh the flour before adding it.

42. Weather – [the state of the atmosphere] The weather was sunny today.
Whether – [a choice between options] I’m unsure whether to go or stay.

43. Which – [a choice] Which book did you choose?
Witch – [a person with magical powers] The story featured a wicked witch.

44. Yolk – [the yellow part of an egg] The yolk of the egg is rich in nutrients.
Yoke – [a wooden bar for oxen] The farmers used a yoke to plow the field.

45. Cereal – [a breakfast food] She ate a bowl of cereal for breakfast.
Serial – [a story or program in installments] The TV serial was very suspenseful.

46. Complement – [something that completes] The sauce was a perfect complement to the meal.
Compliment – [a polite expression of praise] He gave her a compliment on her dress.

47. Council – [a group of people] The city council met to discuss new regulations.
Counsel – [advice or guidance] She sought counsel from her mentor.

48. Cough – [a sudden expulsion of air from the lungs] He had a persistent cough.
Cuff – [a part of a sleeve] The cuffs of his shirt were stained.

49. Dew – [moisture from the air] The grass was wet with morning dew.
Due – [expected or owed] The report is due tomorrow.

50. Faint – [to lose consciousness] He was about to faint from exhaustion.
Feint – [a deceptive move] He used a feint to mislead his opponent.

51. Flew – [past tense of fly] The birds flew south for the winter.
Flu – [infl

uenza] She caught the flu and stayed home from work.

52. Humerus – [a bone in the arm] The humerus is the long bone in the upper arm.
Humorous – [funny] The comedian told a very humorous joke.

53. Lessen – [to decrease] We need to lessen the amount of sugar in the recipe.
Lesson – [a period of learning] The teacher gave a lesson on history.

54. Mane – [a lion’s or horse’s long hair] The horse’s mane was braided.
Main – [most important] The main idea of the book is about friendship.

55. Missed – [failed to hit or catch] He missed the ball during the game.
Mist – [a fine spray of water] The morning mist covered the valley.

56. Nail – [a metal pin] He hammered a nail into the wall.
Nale – [a less common term for ‘neil’, a variant of ‘neel’] He worked with the nail professionally.

57. Past – [previous time] The past year was challenging.
Passed – [moved beyond] She passed her driving test with flying colors.

58. Patience – [the ability to wait calmly] She showed great patience while waiting in line.
Patients – [people receiving medical care] The doctor has many patients to attend to.

59. Peel – [to remove the outer layer] Peel the skin off the apple before eating.
Peal – [a loud sound, such as a bell] The peal of the church bells echoed through the town.

60. Principal – [the leader of a school] The principal is organizing a school event.
Principle – [a fundamental rule] She follows the principle of honesty.

61. Quay – [a dock or wharf] The ship was moored at the quay.
Key – [a device for opening locks] He lost the key to his car.

62. Reel – [a spool or cylinder] The fisherman cast his reel into the water.
Real – [genuine or actual] The painting is a real masterpiece.

63. Rite – [a ceremonial act] The rite of passage was important in the culture.
Right – [correct or direction] Make a right turn at the intersection.

64. Rode – [past tense of ride] She rode her bike to the store.
Road – [a pathway for vehicles] The road was closed for repairs.

65. Role – [a function or part] She played a major role in the project.
Roll – [to move by turning over] He will roll the dough for the pie.

66. Scents – [smells] The garden was filled with pleasant scents.
Sense – [a feeling or perception] She had a sense that something was wrong.

67. Sole – [the only one] He was the sole survivor of the accident.
Soul – [the spiritual part of a person] Music can touch the soul deeply.

68. Some – [an unspecified amount] Can I have some water, please?
Sum – [a total amount] The sum of the numbers is twenty.

69. Station – [a place where services are provided] The train station was busy.
Stays – [remains in a place] She stays at the hotel when she travels.

70. Steak – [a cut of meat] He ordered a rare steak for dinner.
Stake – [a piece of wood or a financial interest] She has a stake in the company’s success.

71. Sole – [the bottom of the foot] The sole of my shoe is worn out.
Soul – [the essence of a person] He poured his soul into the song.

72. Sore – [painful or aching] Her muscles were sore after the workout.
Soar – [to fly high] The eagle soared above the mountains.

73. Stationery – [writing materials] She bought new stationery for her office.
Stationary – [not moving] The bike was stationary while she repaired it.

74. Suite – [a set of rooms] They stayed in a luxurious hotel suite.
Sweet – [pleasant taste or kind] The cake was very sweet.

75. Tail – [the back part of an animal] The dog wagged its tail happily.
Tale – [a story] The tale of the tortoise and the hare is well-known.

76. Their – [belonging to them] Their house is on the corner.
There – [in that place] We will meet there at 5 PM.
They’re – [they are] They’re coming to the party.

77. Threw – [past tense of throw] He threw the ball to his friend.
Through – [moving in one side and out the other] We walked through the park.

78. Tie – [a neckwear] He wore a blue tie to the meeting.
Tai – [a less common term for the Thai people] The Tai people have a rich culture.

79. Vial – [a small container] The doctor handed her a vial of medicine.
Vile – [disgusting or unpleasant] The smell was vile and unbearable.

80. Wait – [to stay in place] Please wait for me at the entrance.
Weight – [the measure of heaviness] The weight of the package was 5 kg.

81. Witch – [a person with magical powers] The witch cast a spell on the village.
Which – [a choice or question] Which book do you prefer?

82. Wool – [a fiber from sheep] She wore a wool sweater to stay warm.
Whorl – [a pattern or spiral] The fingerprint had a distinct whorl pattern.

83. Yolk – [the yellow part of an egg] The yolk is rich in nutrients.
Yoke – [a wooden bar for oxen] The farmer attached the yoke to the oxen.

84. Altar – [a table for religious ceremonies] The priest approached the altar.
Alter – [to change] She decided to alter her dress for the party.

85. Bored – [feeling weary] The lecture was so dull, she was bored.
Board – [a flat piece of material] He nailed the board over the window.

86. Capital – [a city where a government is located] The capital of Italy is Rome.
Capitol – [a building where legislators meet] The lawmakers met at the Capitol.

87. Celery – [a green vegetable] She added celery to the soup.
Celery – [a less common form of ‘celery’ in other contexts] The celery was crisp and fresh.

88. Gait – [a manner of walking] His gait was uneven after the injury.
Gate – [a barrier in a fence] She opened the gate to let the dog out.

89. Incense – [a substance burned for its aroma] The incense filled the room with a pleasant scent.
Intense – [extremely strong] The training was very intense.

90. Ladder – [a tool for climbing] He used a ladder to reach the roof.
Latter – [the second of two] In the latter part of the day, it started raining.

91. Leisure – [free time] She enjoys reading in her leisure time.
Measure – [to determine the size] We need to measure the room for new furniture.

92. Mild – [not severe] The weather was mild for the season.
Miled – [a less common past tense of mile] They miled through the countryside.

93. Moral – [a lesson or principle] The moral of the story is to be kind.
Morale – [the spirit of a group] The team’s morale was high after the win.

94. Nausea – [a feeling of sickness] She felt nausea after the boat ride.
Nauseous – [feeling sick] He was nauseous from the strong smell.

95. Pedal – [a part of a bicycle or machine] She pressed the pedal to accelerate.
Peddle – [to sell goods] He peddled his wares at the market.

96. Pillar – [a column or support] The pillar held up the archway.
Pillar – [a metaphorical support] He was a pillar of the community.

97. Plait – [a braid] She wore her hair in a plait.
Plate – [a dish for food] She served the meal on a plate.

98. Proceeds – [money from a sale] The proceeds from the auction went to charity.
Process – [a series of actions] The process of making cheese is complex.

99. Solemn – [serious or earnest] The ceremony was conducted in a solemn manner.
Solum – [a less common term for ‘soil’] The solum was

rich and fertile.

100. Stair – [a step in a staircase] She climbed the stair to the next floor.
Stare – [to look intently] He gave me a long stare from across the room.

Pairs of Confusing Words – Homophones

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