VARC Notes

Parajumbles – Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension


Parajumbles or para jumble is a very interesting topic from the VA/RC section of MBA Entrance Exams as well as Banking and government job entrances.

parajumble notes pdf


Parajumbles Concept

Parajumbles is nothing but a set of sentences that are in random order, we need to arrange it in the correct order. You can find 4 to 5 sentence in a question that has to be arranged in sequence

Parajumbles Tricks

Parajumble questions, also known as sentence arrangement or sentence sequencing, are a challenging component of various competitive exams. These questions assess your ability to comprehend the meaning of individual sentences and arrange them in a coherent and logical sequence. To excel in solving Parajumble problems, one must possess strong analytical skills, critical thinking abilities, and a keen understanding of sentence structure. In this article, we will provide you with expert tips to help you effectively solve Parajumble questions and boost your performance in exams.

  1. Read Each Sentence Carefully

The first step in solving Parajumble questions is to read each sentence carefully. Pay attention to the subject matter, the main idea conveyed, and any transitional words or phrases that link one sentence to another. Understanding the context and meaning of each sentence is crucial to determine the logical flow and establish connections between them.

  1. Identify the Opening and Closing Sentences

Identifying the opening and closing sentences is a key strategy in solving Parajumble questions. The opening sentence typically introduces the topic or sets the context, while the closing sentence provides a conclusion or summarizes the main idea. Look for sentences that present general information or provide a broader perspective, as they are often found at the beginning or end of a paragraph.

  1. Look for Transitional Clues

Transitional words and phrases play a significant role in linking sentences together. Pay attention to transitional clues such as “however,” “moreover,” “on the other hand,” “in contrast,” and “finally.” These cues indicate relationships between sentences, such as contrast, addition, or conclusion. Identifying these transitional clues helps establish the correct order of sentences in the paragraph.

  1. Analyze Pronouns and References

Pronouns and references can be powerful indicators for sentence arrangement. Look for pronouns that refer to a specific noun mentioned earlier in the paragraph. By identifying the antecedent of the pronoun and considering its placement, you can determine the logical sequence of sentences. Pronouns like “he,” “she,” “it,” or “they” often refer back to the main subject or idea in the paragraph.

  1. Consider Coherence and Logical Flow

Coherence and logical flow are essential aspects of sentence arrangement. Analyze the relationship between sentences and ensure that they connect smoothly. Look for logical progressions, cause-effect relationships, or chronological sequences. Sentences should follow a logical order, with each sentence building upon the previous one and leading to the next.

  1. Pay Attention to Word Repetition and Synonyms

Word repetition and synonyms can provide valuable clues for sentence sequencing. If a word or phrase is repeated in different sentences, it often indicates a logical connection or continuity. Similarly, the use of synonyms helps maintain variety in the language while conveying the same idea. Identifying these repetitions and synonyms can guide you in arranging the sentences correctly.

  1. Practice with Sample Questions

Regular practice is crucial to improve your Parajumble-solving skills. Solve sample Parajumble questions from previous exams or practice sets to familiarize yourself with different sentence structures and ordering patterns. Analyze the correct solutions and understand the logical connections between sentences. Gradually increase the complexity of the questions to enhance your proficiency.

Transition Words

above all, after all, afterwards, again, all in all, also, as a rule, as well as, aside from, at the same time, barring, besides, but, consequently, earlier, first of all, for example, for instance, for now, for one thing, for the time being, furthermore, generally, hence, however, in addition, in conclusion, in other words, in short, in time, instead, later, later on, likewise, meanwhile, moreover, nevertheless, next, on the other hand, otherwise, rather, similarly, simultaneously, soon, still, subsequently, the meantime, then, therefore, thus, to begin with, while, with this in mind, yet etc.

Parajumbles Solved Examples

  1. The woodland’s canopy receives most of the sunlight that falls on the trees.
  2. Swifts do not confine themselves to woodlands but hunt wherever there are insects in the air.
  3. With their streamlined bodies, swifts are agile flyers, ideally adapted to twisting and turning through the air as they chase flying insects – the creatures that form their staple diet.
  4. Hundreds of thousands of insects fly in the sunshine up above the canopy, some falling prey to swifts and swallows


Answer: 1432

  1. Impartiality and objectivity are fiendishly difficult concepts that can cause all sorts of injustices even if transparently implemented.
  2. It encourages us into bubbles of people we know and like while blinding us to different perspectives, but the deeper problem of ‘transparency’ lies in the words “…and much more”.
  3. Twitter’s website says that “tweets you are likely to care about most will show up first in your timeline…based on accounts you interact with most, Tweets you engage with, and much more.”
  4. We are only told some of the basic principles, and we can’t see the algorithm itself, making it hard for citizens to analyse the system sensibly or fairly or be convinced of its impartiality and objectivity


Answer: 1324

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