Quantitative Aptitude Notes

Caselet – Data Interpretation


Caselet from the Data Interpretation section can be difficult because it requires the formulation of data from given statements. A word problem is given that has to be visualized then formulated in the form of table or set theory followed by the use of speed techniques to solve.

caselet data interpretation


  • One must be well versed with concepts of Percentages, Ratio Proportion, Fraction simplification, Approximations, Averages in order to solve DI sets.
  • The squares of numbers till 30, cubes till 20 should be known along with percentage values of (1/2), (1/3),…..(1/12).
  • The typical sets are based on questions from Profit Loss, Simple & Compound interest, Production & Consumption, etc.


If you’ve ever felt puzzled by the complex world of data interpretation in competitive exams, especially when faced with caselet-based questions, worry not! In this guide, we’ll demystify the process, step by step, and provide you with a simple example to help you conquer caselet-based data interpretation with ease.


Understanding Caselet-Based Data Interpretation:

Caselet-based questions present information in the form of a short passage or caselet, followed by a set of related questions. The challenge is to extract relevant data from the passage and use it to answer the questions. It’s like solving a mini-story with numbers!


Example: Daily Ice Cream Sales

Let’s delve into an example to make this clearer. Imagine you have a caselet about a small ice cream shop that provides information on daily sales for a week. Here’s a breakdown:

Caselet Example:
“In a local ice cream shop, the daily sales for the past week are as follows: Monday – 50 cones, Tuesday – 45 cones, Wednesday – 60 cones, Thursday – 55 cones, Friday – 70 cones, Saturday – 65 cones, Sunday – 75 cones.”

1. What is the average daily sales for the week?
2. On which day were the sales the lowest?
3. How much higher were Sunday’s sales compared to Tuesday’s?


Solving the Caselet:

1. Calculate the Average:

To find the average daily sales, add up the total number of cones sold for the week (50 + 45 + 60 + 55 + 70 + 65 + 75) and divide by the number of days (7).

*Answer: Average daily sales = (50 + 45 + 60 + 55 + 70 + 65 + 75) / 7 = 470 / 7 = 67.14 cones (approximately).*

2. Identify the Lowest Sales:

Look at the daily sales figures and find the day with the lowest number of cones sold.

*Answer: The lowest sales were on Tuesday with 45 cones.*

3. Calculate the Difference:

Determine the difference between Sunday’s and Tuesday’s sales.

*Answer: Sunday’s sales (75 cones) – Tuesday’s sales (45 cones) = 30 cones.*


Tips for Caselet-Based Data Interpretation:

– Read Carefully: Understand the information given in the caselet before attempting the questions.
– Take Notes: Jot down key figures to reference while answering questions.
– One Question at a Time: Focus on one question before moving on to the next. Don’t get overwhelmed.
– Practice Regularly: Familiarize yourself with different types of caselets to improve your speed and accuracy.


Caselet-based data interpretation might seem daunting, but with a systematic approach and a bit of practice, you can navigate through the numbers with confidence. So, gear up for your exams, tackle those caselets, and turn the data into your ally on the journey to success!

Caselet Data Interpretation PDF

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