Reality of Indian Media


The Indian media consists of different streams like television, film industry, magazines, newspapers, internet media, etc. The existence of Indian media can be dated back to 1780, when the first newspaper was printed, during the British rule.

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Radio broadcasting began in 1927. The first Indian Hindi film that was made was ‘Raja Harishchandra’, directed by Ardeshir Irani, which was released in 1931. Hence the India media started working before independence, and now has grown into a large industry, becoming one the world’s biggest media.


‘If I want to knock a story off the front page, I just change my hairstyle’ – Hillary Clinton


‘Why is the media here so negative? Why are we in India, so embarrassed to recognise our strengths, achievements?’ – APJ Abdul Kalam


‘Journalism will kill you, but it will keep you alive while you’re at it.’ – Horace Greeley

Indian Media Ranking in the World

  • The growth of social media users in India has been the lowest in the last year, with the actual number being 326.1 million in 2018. Facebook remains the most popular among all social networking sites.


  • By 2023, the total count of social media users in India is expected to be 448 million.


  • The digital media ranks first when it comes to advertising and engagement of the people.

Role of Media in India

The Indian Film industry has tremendously grown over the years and is the biggest film industry in the world today. It’s also called Bollywood. The Bollywood films that are primarily made in Hindi, are watched all over the world, having subtitles and even dubbed sometimes. The craze of the Indian film stars or celebrities is so much that people across the world recognise the film industry through them.


In the beginning, when the Hindi film industry started making films, the thing that was different from the other Hollywood films was that, was the decency of Hindi films. And maybe hence, it gained popularity in the countries of South-East Asia and other Mughal countries. And even today, the craze for Hindi films remains all over the world, as is obvious from the outdoor collections that the films are making these days.


The situation of the news channels has become really bad these days. Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar once said, ‘Once upon a time, journalism was a profession in India. Now, it has become a trade’. The situation now has become worse. The Indian news channels are many times criticised for showing biased content. The way the news is presented is so loud and also aggressive sometimes. These are all ways to make the news ‘interesting’, say critiques. There are, although, many news channels that stick to their principles and try to maintain decency, but many others out there have just become very violent and abusive.


The All India Radio, as known as Akashwani, is an official radio station of the government of India, and the oldest one. Today there are a lot more channels on the radio, that run in the cars and public transports, by passengers to keep them entertained. The content served by them is also interesting and has a unique style.


The All India Radio has various programs like ‘Vividh Bharati’ to recall the old songs of the Indian cinema. It is the largest radio station in the world and has a wide variety in its content, language, culture, etc. The private radio channels also serve amusing content and keep it’s public engaged.


  • No doubt, like any other country, the most useful thing that our media does is to keep people aware of the happenings across the world.


  • Entertainment, yet another dimension of the media, is so widespread that it is watched across the globe.


  • Since India is such a big industry in showbiz, the magazines are also used by people outside India.

Indian Media Criticism
  • Sometimes, due to the hypocrisy of the news anchors, the news can be considered to spread hatred and enmity among the people.


  • The media houses can also be blamed to spread unwanted rumours or doubtful information.


  • Many Indian movies tend to promote aggression and violence, both physically and verbally, through the type of content they serve the audiences.


India has a lot of variety when it comes to showbiz and media industry. It is one of the most likeable industry across the globe. The variety in its content, which might have come from the different languages and culture that we are blessed as a country to have, the amount of options that our media has, as it is growing very fast, and last but not the least, the ‘spice’ that our culture has in itself, which reflects in our work, can be a reason for it.

There is so much scope in every horizon and so much material to keep people engaged, that no doubt, it is one of the best media in the world.

Author: Shraddha Khaparde

Scrutiny: Riddhi Pansare

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